
Post 414

01 May 2023

414 Overview ICS 414: Software Engineering II is a continuation of ICS 314: Software Engineering I. In ICS 314 you spend a majority of the semester learning about the basics of the tech stack consisting of Meteor, MongoDB and React....

Software engineering Web development

Behind the scenes of software engineering

14 Dec 2022

Software engineering is more than just programming On the surface software engineering just seems like typing a collection of characters on a computer that eventually comes together and takes the form of a functional program, but that only scratches the...

Software Engineering Education

Abstract Solutions to General Problems

01 Dec 2022

Creating something from nothing is hard In our modern world there are many luxuries that we take for granted, but we rarely think about all the trials and tribulations that went into creating new things like the clothes we wear,...

Design Patterns Development


06 Oct 2022

Everyone likes a nice UI But not everyone knows the pain invovlved in creating a decent looking webpage. This is even more true when attempting to create a webpage with pure CSS and HTML. If you have a decent understanding...

UI-Frameworks Bootstap 5 Design

Coding Standards, You'll Learn to Love Them

20 Sep 2022

What are Coding Standards Coding standards don’t contribute any functionality to your program. No matter how you write your code as long as your syntax is correct, the computer will munch it up into a bunch of 1s and 0s....

Coding Standards

Getting More Out of Your Questions

08 Sep 2022

Asking Questions When it comes to learning new things, asking questions is a proven way to learn new things. So, “Asking all questions is a good thing?” you might ask. Unfortunately, not all questions are created equally. This is especially...

Learning Smart Questions

JavaScript !== Java

30 Aug 2022

Accidentally Learning JavaScript My introduction to JavaScript was quite the interesting one. When I was younger I did not have much interest in programming, but I did play a concerning amount of video games, one of which being Minecraft. I...

JavaScript Learning

A Functional Hobby

30 Aug 2022

Programming as a Hobby When you think of hobbies, programming probably isn’t at the top of the list. In fact, programming is most likely viewed as a job. The point I am trying to argue is that programming is a...

Learning Programming